1. Peter's Painting

Nature is starting to reveal it’s palette of colour once again with daffodils and crocuses providing us with the first hint of what’s to come.

Classes are underway and art students are purchasing their own sets of paints as they discover the joy of producing canvasses at home.  Often I am told by participants, how art suddenly brings the world into focus and becomes a source of inspiration – the way the trees bend in the wind or the way the light hits a piece of glass.

Students are also discovering that completed paintings, once dry, can be altered and added to over and over again as can be seen in the above student’s work.  It is wonderful to watch everyone gaining confidence in themselves and their own individual styles. 

The next set of classes will be starting on Thursday, 14th April for six consecutive weeks.  In addition, we will be holding an Exhibition of Students’ work at the beginning of October giving us all something to aim for, at the same time as raising money for the local hospice.  More details will follow nearer the time, but it promises to be a colourful display of nature at its finest.